Digital Audience Development, courtesy of Inner Ear.
It was very good to see a large audience for the 2011 'Digital Audience Development' session at this year's Edinburgh Fringe. Run by Inner Ear Ltd. again on Thursday 4 August, this was the second time I've seen them present ideas and case studies ...
It's a full 12 months, 365 days, since I turned a pile of dog-eared Post-It notes into the seed of a PhD idea, so a appropriate time to mark some recent thoughts. I hope this is going to be a brief post, responding in part to the #iDocQ conference...
Late February round up of quick links, software and half-formed responses.
The limited nature of my engagement with Delicious is based on the idea that if I particularly like a website or want to keep a record of someone's blog post I'll note it on my own blog and add a little comment to remind myself what was so great a...
Pg Certificate professional study now posted online.
After a year of getting used to my current role as lecturer and programme leader, Edinburgh Napier supported me through their Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning for Higher Education (2008-2010). This is my professional qualification...
PhD ideas: 25 November 2010
It's a while since I posted an updated 'ideas' file, but there have been distractions since August. There may not even be anything particularly new here, although the file itself remains an important repository for ideas, notes, references and sup...
Data journalism.
Have I mentioned how much I admire the work of David McCandless and the very idea of 'Information is Beautiful'? You can get the book, a great Christmas present for the more cerebral - or visually stimulated - members of your family. You can follo...
Event Technologies workshop: slides.
As flagged a month or two back I recently took part in a workshop organised by Edinburgh Napier, or more specifically my colleagues at the university. The theme was 'event technologies', from planning and logistics software to virtual meeting spac...
PhD ideas: 8 August 2010
An update to my text file outlining PhD ideas. Some new ideas have been added, some sections rearranged and the potential theoretical contributions section has been expanded. This builds on the work viewed and discussed at the Leeds conference.As ...
Dipping a toe in the water: PhD ideas, for 4 July 2010
Ideas have been rattling round in my head for a number of months, which finally made their way onto Post-it notes and were then typed up this weekend. They're a dump of ideas at the moment, which needs reflection and filtering, seeking links betwe...