Parallel discussions.
Another week and another slew of podcasts down the wires from the RSA. Of note to me recently has been the discussions that focus on some of my favourite themes, yet apply them to subjects other than events. Two of note have been:Loyd Grossman et ...
St Andrew's Day round up of links and events: part 2.
Following hot on the heels of a long post wrapping up disparate thoughts collated over a few weeks, this shorter post is little more than an annotated reading list: a to do list of thoughts and contributions. ___ Greg Richards Building on his work...
The RSA: membership organisations; Big Society;
With the podcast still playing, I want to note this RSA event: The Big Society: Challenges and opportunities for membership organisations. (I wasn't expecting to tag anything with 'Big Society', but as the term gains currency and becomes more clea...