Curation: pre-@LoveEdinburgh guardianship
The clock is ticking around to midnight and I'm about to take over the @LoveEdinburgh account on Twitter. It's what they call a 'rotation project', where a different person runs the account for a week before passing it on. Thus far tonight the preceding guardian has stepped back, announced my forthcoming curatorship and I've gotten caught in the crossfire of messages! I fear that it might be difficult to know from which account I'm replying at times, but we'll see how we go. I'm going to lie low for this evening anyway; no need to jump straight in.It's proving hard enough just to pick a photo of myself to use as the account's avatar.At the time of writing @LoveEdinburgh has 9,825 followers. I suppose a successful week means not losing too many of them, maybe even adding a few. There are some other things I'd like to do though, besides the metrics. Firstly the community around the account will hopefully be welcoming and help me shape the narrative as we go – I'm very interested to see how that plays out. I suspect there'll be folk who engage with the account whoever's running it, while others will be more or less active depending on the topics up for discussion, the photos posted and so on. My hunch is that I won't track or respond to many Direct Messages: there's only so much I can keep my eyes on at once.I want to use different media as we go along, building on text and photos with the occasional Audioboo clip and whatever else comes along. It might make most sense to create, and post these to Twitter, from my usual account (@dsrjarman) and use that as the basis of an @LoveEdinburgh posting.What will I write about? Well, after seeing a few friends take on the account over the winter months I thought ahead and plumped for late July into early August. It's no coincidence that we're on the verge of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe (@edfringe) and as such there's plenty going on in the city. I'll be going along to the media launches of a few venues, then keeping my eyes open for more festival goings on along the way too. Let's see how Fringe venues, performers, promoters and, of course, audiences both near and far engage with @LoveEdinburgh. I would have thought that reaching 10,000 followers would be a good start when pushing your show...In seven days' time I'll pick over the experience. If I've the energy.