The Ragged University Library and my contribution: 'Connected' by Christakis and Fowler
Alex Dunedin from @raggedtalks asked me to contribute a volume suggestion to the Ragged University Library.'s easy enough to write that, but worth a little more explanation. Alex is someone I met through The RSA, that most well connected corner of civil society with its 260 year history as a 'think and do tank'. As for the Ragged University, to quote from their site...'The idea is to update the philanthropic history of the Ragged Schools and aim to bring about the same pragmatic changes that helped build the social fabric of the United Kingdom. Technically, the Ragged project seeks to create and reveal inclusive forms of Social Capital using free knowledge exchange and building as a lens.'Please follow the link for more – not so much to read my small contribution as to look through the wealth of information, events and resources available to all via the site:David Jarman, Edinburgh Napier University suggested Connected as a book.Then spread the word!