All in Posterous transfer
Back in March 2002 the Queen was a relatively old lady who travelled the world making some speeches and waving; eight years further on and I fear she's becoming typecast. She features in this post, as does a previous Queen and some news from the A...
Part 4 and I've spent a little time getting used to life in Australia and Adelaide, with relatively little else to say apparently. Surely that's a reflection of my general calm and relaxed state of mind at this point: having found somewhere to sta...
Part three of tonight's triumvirate - it reads as though I found my feet somewhat on this bit of the trip. The email home is certainly longer, though as I recall I had plenty of time to waste in internet cafes before starting work in Adelaide. I h...
Report two: Dubai to Singapore. What I don't say in these first couple of posts is that I stayed with my aunt in Dubai, so the move to Singapore was a step up in terms of independent travel. As it happened, Singapore was an easier place for me to ...
Long, long ago, in some lands far away, I followed a typical backpacker's itinerary around Australasia and some of the countries between there and the UK. Blogs were few and far between and I still used Hotmail: the digital landscape was sparse an...
What have the last ten years done for us? Given us an ever-wider range of software for one thing. So, with a sizeable piece of work somewhere on the horizon, mixed up with the everyday cycle of work and play, these are the pieces of software I see...
How do people choose a name for their blog? Surely it's a recipe for procrastination as enticing as selecting just the right font for a report, or revising the best way to organise a bookshelf for maximum visitor-appreciation. (Just me?) I've trie...
Ideas have been rattling round in my head for a number of months, which finally made their way onto Post-it notes and were then typed up this weekend. They're a dump of ideas at the moment, which needs reflection and filtering, seeking links betwe...
What chance being able to plan, manage, research and write a PhD? It is my intention to find out, with some posts along the way to create an archive of the journey, the progress made and the lessons learnt. From such a small post many more will fo...